mercredi 28 septembre 2016

Dubrovnik(Croatia) to Mostar(Bosnia)

Well, we got up early in Parie and took à 2 hour long flight to Croatia. The arrival by plane was gorgeous. Exciting to finally be somewhere I never thought I'd be!
As soon as we landed, we were off by bus for downtown Dubrovnik where we hopped on another bus taking us 85 km inland to Mostar. Dreadful bus ride. I was certain I would be sick with all the left&right & ups&downs. Gravol fixed it!!
I forgot to mentionned that we went thru 3 customs (Croatia to Bosnia, Bosnia to Croatia and finally Croatia back to Bosnia: weird))
Once we got to our shelter, we went discovering. We found the bridge that was bombed away in 1993 Bosnian war.
Everything is rebuild. Very pretty town. Very small. We can't wait to see it in the am!
We found an amazing typical food restaurant with sort'of little brochettes, veal cutlets, vine leaves, cabbage rolls of some sort and what looked like pita bread with a side of cream!! Delicious!
Today was the first evening we felt "on vacation".

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