dimanche 3 août 2014

Day #3 Dublin

Today we got up and felt like eating a French breakfast. So we headed to a "crêpes" spot. Had a great latté and crêpes. Then hopped on the bus to get to the Dublin prison for free with our National Trust card we bought online via a Canadian website. This card is turning out to be the best buy since we got here. We are getting into many places for free because of this membership card. Although we waited about an hour in line and another half hour for the hour long tour, the actual tour was interesting.
We then made it to the Guinness distillery where Jade and I waited for Yanick as neither of us like beer. We actually enjoyed about 30 minutes or real warm sun today during the tour and while waiting for Yanick. We got almost no rain (just this little mist).

1 commentaire:

  1. j ai recue la carte postale le140728 je vois que vous vous amusez bien maman carole


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